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  1. Diplomasi Indonesia dalam Kepemimpinan G20 Tahun 2022 - DIP Institute
    March 1, 2022 @ 10:39 am

    […] tuan rumah perhelatan pertemuan negara anggota G20. Terdapat tiga fokus isu Presiden Jokowi dalam G20 tahun 2022 ini yakni transisi menuju green economy, tren ekonomi digital, serta perbaikan arsitektur kesehatan […]


  2. Indonesia Choose Not to Choose between the West and Russia at the G20 Summit - DIP Institute
    May 10, 2022 @ 9:25 am

    […] Both Putin and Zelenskyy have confirmed they will attend the G20 Summit in Indonesia. Then, why did Indonesia decide to invite them to the G20 […]


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