Informing the current public policy debate and topics on the public agenda
Our think-thank is committed to critical issues of particular relevance to the public policy debate. Here you can browse work aggregated by Research Area from across a diverse organization composed of nearly 100 active projects, programs, and centers. At Institut DIP, we share our research publications in digital format free of charge as a public service.
Journal: The Global Futures Journal
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Articles: The Global Futures Article
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Books: The Global Futures Books
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Seminars: The Global Futures Seminars
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Podcast: The Global Futures Podcast
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Video#1-Institut DIP - Des 2020
Analysis: The Global Futures Analysis
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Project: The Global Futures Project
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Survey: The Global Futures Survey
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Climate Change: The Global Futures Climate Change
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Sustainable Development: The Global Futures Sustainable Development
We discuss foreign policy, economics, war, peace, and how the world is changing with experts from across the globe as part of the Global Governance Futures — DIP Institute Multilateral Dialogue Program.
Institut DIP, Grand Wijaya Center, C31/Lt2, Jalan Wijaya 2, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12620, Indonesia
Ph/WA: (62) 838-9217-9239
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